Blueberry 'Elizabeth'

Blueberry 'Elizabeth'

Multi stem bush plant in 3ltr pot

All year

Very easy

Noun flower 889434 green


Twenty years ago blueberries were a rarity in British shops. Now, thank goodness, they are one of the country's most popular fruits . They are delicious and about as easy to grow as any fruit in the world. Our variety, Elizabeth, fruits in late Summer and early Autumn giving large dark blue fruits. Perfect on your cornflakes each morning and perfect for pot culture.


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Botanical name: Caccinium cor. " Elizabeth"
Ideal location & conditions: Partial sun
Size after 5 years: 75cm
Soil: Acidic compost with good drainage
Flowering colour: White
Flowering period: June - August
Fruit harvest period: September

Deciduous fruit trees will be starting their de-foliation very soon so won’t be looking so happy in the coming weeks. Because we love to provide the ‘wow’ factor with our trees, we’ve currently taken some of our deciduous trees off sale. However, if you are happy to receive trees during this back end of the growing year when natural changes such as leaf deterioration occur, please do get in touch by emailing us at to enquire about availability.